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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

TV: James Lipton -- Keeping His Pimp Hand Strong

Lipton arrives for Inside the Actor's Studio in style...

To quote the Los Angeles Times: "So was he (James Lipton) really, as he writes in the book, a pimp in Paris, albeit a rather classy one who arranged shows for clients rather than actual couplings? 'Yes.'"

If you don't know by now that James Lipton, erudite starfawner interviewer/host of Inside the Actor's Studio was once a Parisian pimp then I don't know how I can help you. Perhaps by sliding this link to La Lipton himself being interviewed by the curious ladies of the daytime on The View via Gawker your way. Lipton explains that pimpdom in Paris was part of his voyage of discovery -- not unlike the time I killed a man in Tulsa. I done my time.

Meanwhile, please enjoy a big cool glass of Lipton doing what he does best --pimping -- in this case Desperate Housewife Teri Hatcher. She's game too -- "This feels like a first date" indeed.

Before you huff about Hatcher, know that it makes her cry. Here's the original L.A. Times piece which says so.

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