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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Politics: Thomas Smears Hill -- Again

Justice Thomas: She had a Coke and he ain't smiling...

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who is in the midst of an unprecedented book tour, has taken the opportunity to smear the woman who almost cost him his nomination -- both in print and on 60 Minutes . Thomas, who opposes racial preferences unless they benefit him, was picked by President George H.W. Bush for the highest court in the land in 1991 and underwent a grueling round of hearings before ultimately being narrowly confirmed. One of the main issues were accusations that he sexually harassed Anita Hill when they both worked at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- most famously with a strategically placed pubic hair on a can of Coca-Cola. Hill has responded with this editorial in the New York Times. More to the point, Media Matters is taking on CBS' utter lack of investigative journalism in their puff piece on Thomas.

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