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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Culture: Why I Stopped Taking Acid - A Reminder Brought to You By TV's Dave Coulier

Unasked for flashback by Noah Mallin

I have to give credit where credit is due and thank/spank Gawker for posting this disturbing yet hypnotizing piece of feminist art. At least I think that's what it is. Oh, have I mentioned that it's a scene from Full House featuring TV's Dave Coulier? Budget the 3 minutes of your life it will take for this deranged audio-visual mantra to work it's magic. After a while I could swear I started to recognize some of the locations. I think there's a den in Scarsdale in here where I once drank a six-pack of Bartles and Jaymes in the 80s. Or is it all in my mind? Behold!

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